Climate change impacts us all and will only get worse as time goes on, but “change” does little to describe the level of dramatic and violent disruptions it entails. A seemingly small increase in global temperatures caused by humanity paves the way for extreme weather events, mass extinction, famine, drought, ocean acidification, societal degradation, and suffering.

Major fossil fuel producers account for a high percentage of greenhouse gas emissions and for decades have knowingly spread disinformation to obstruct research and regulatory policy. Low- and middle-income regions encounter disproportionate effects from this ongoing collapse while wealthier populations have often been spared from the worst so far. Younger generations with little to no say in policy will face severe threats to their safety and survival.

This is not an issue that can be solved solely by simple individual acts meant to reduce carbon footprints. It is a systemic rot that must be dealt with at a mass scale, and quickly. We cannot continue with business as usual, because that “normality” is perpetuating the collapse of Earth’s climate and by extension, of Earth as we know it.